With your generosity Annika and Ceianne will be able to obtain the medical care they so desperately
need. Your donations (or time spent putting together fund raisers on your own) mean the world to this family!
You can donate by making a deposit at any Wells Fargo, by check OR via Paypal! See below for
details of each deposit type for details!
100% of your donation after PayPal handling fees goes directly to the medical fund. While
payments are processed by PayPal, you can still pay by any major credit card. Enter the amount you'd like
to give in the "price" column on the following page. The recipient will be listed as "chubbyseats," which is the families
personal PayPal account. Donations are not tax-deductible in the US.
To make your donation via Wells Fargo
Simply go to any Wells Fargo bank and request a deposit into :
"The Annika and Ceianne Mankel Medical Donation Fund"
or....account # 9218398445
To make your donation online
To make your donation online please click the logo below. You can pay via Paypal, online
check or with most major credit cards.
Please include your e-mail address so we can personally thank you for your contribution!
To mail your donation
You can mail your donation to:
The Annika and Ceianne Mankel Medical Donation Fund
1802 N. Center Ave.
Casa Grande, AZ 85222